Youth Leading Change in their own Communities - Teena

Teena hails from Umarni, a small village near Nagda city. She is currently pursuing her graduation from the Government College of Nagda. Her inspiration for education was none other than her own elder sister who used to give tuition to the children at home. There she got developed an interest in education and started doing the same.

When she joined Mera Gaon Meri Dunia, it was a key moment for her. In her own words, "I don't think I have missed anything by being with the Sparsh cohort". She teaches a group of 40 children in an Anganwadi centre. She holds a good connection with the children and parents as well. She keeps leveraging her mothers' network for engaging with the community as her Mother is an ASHA worker at one of the Anganwadi of the village. Her key interest is to build the capacity of self in teaching Math and EVS. Due to her curious nature and ability to identify what she has to learn, she has developed a keen interest in changing the education scenario of her own community. From 2023, she would be working on school-level change with MGMD by being a full-time member.

"Being a part of this journey, I have been able to spend more time knowing and developing myself than I have been able to teach and learn about classroom teaching tools and techniques. A bond has become with all who are part of this family. Working with children, I have developed a rapport with their parents and community members. I am enjoying working with everyone. Compared to before, I am able to express my thoughts smoothly and boldly. This Sparsh family with my peers has given me an environment to express myself freely," shares Teena.


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