Pledge Card Signature Drive in Communities!

We are working for the effective implementation of infrastructural provisions of RTE 2009, in rural Government Schools of Mahidpur through our Campaign #MeraSchoolSafeBhiSaafBhi in association with Youth Ki Awaaz. 

Our youth leaders led this pledge signing drive in 9 villages where they got signatures of parents of a girl child to support their daughters in their education journeys! The pledge goes like this 'मैं अपनी बेटी और उसके भविष्य को सँवारने के लिए शपथ लेता हूँ कि मैं अपनी बेटी का जहाँ तक गाँव में या समीप के गाँव में स्कूल है वहाँ तक पढ़ने में सहयोग करूँगा/करूंगी!"

We were able to get 420 signatures from these community signature drives.


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