SPARSH - Building Rural Educational Leaders

"While taking the self academic assessment, I realized that how much children have to do when it comes to studying and tests and that put me in shock, I am still wondering how this can be overcome in the teaching process," says Manisha of our Sparsh Fellows.

Who is going to take ownership of transforming the education scenario in the villages

We found that 94 percent of children in the rural Mahidpur road cluster cant read 2nd level text. Mera Gaon Meri Dunia started Sparsh with 10 rural youth to lead the education transformation in the villages. 10 youth are selected from 125+ applications after 06 steps long process.

These youth are going to work with the government school in their village and lead the educational change in their own villages. Our Goal for the next 03 years is to build the capacity of these rural youth to bring systematic change in education. 

Sparsh initiative was marked by rural youth-led community classrooms for bridging gaps in age-apt learning outcome of government primary school children and creating a learning conducive environment for children of the village. We believe that this is an efficient way to add contextuality in education for children, creating a budding ground for community ownership for education especially in a school lockdown situation, and link youth to the prevalent education crisis in their own village.

Support 10 children’s education for  1 Month by contributing INR 2500 here or through UPI 9993164658@okbizaxis


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