Youth - The Journey towards Future

How often you have been asked to not embrace your youth-hood because you were inexperienced?

“There is a fundamental thought about which I am thinking since the last few years. The ones who stop me to experiment and learn are not who knows what I need and what I feel. They assume all the things I need and I feel and do not even take a consensus from me to confirm at least.” How often have you felt even proximity of this feeling?

As per the census of 2011, India has more than 50% population below the age of 25 years and more than 65% below the age of 35. It is expected that by this year-end the average age of India would be 29 years. They all have a dream and they want to embrace the youth-hood within them at least innately. But, what is happening to them? You know the answer quite well whether you agree or disagree with me. They are getting influenced by merely two-three ideologies which are prevalent in this country. They are systematically getting trapped into a narrow school of thought from which there is very little chance to escape. They have been influenced and made to feel that they have control of their life at least. But, as I said the system is making them feel so, the reality is far away from the actual scenario.

The education system which is marking itself a huge success since independence has systematically detached youth from their own selves and from the community too. We, as a system enrooted the seeds of competition where two friends cannot see each other as friends but mere competitors and then we justified this phenomenon with a narrative of 'healthy' competition, I still wonder what is so healthy about this competition! According to a report published by NCBI by Singh Sunitha & Gopalkrishna Gururaj states that in India nearly 20-30% of the young people of age group 10-24 years suffer from health impacting trends caused by mental stress and other extrinsic influences like peer-pressure, performance stress etc. Our education system focuses on the history of education and its subjects rather than the aliveness of all the subjects and their intricate interconnections. It structurally crushes the ability to be critical and ask questions and kill the curiosity of the child in 12-15 years to the extent that she gets bored afterwards. 

Youth – the critical phase of life, is a period of major physical, physiological, psychological, and behavioural changes with changing patterns of social interactions and relationships. Youth is the window of opportunities that sets the stage for a healthy life ahead. However, in India, it seems horrible, a product of our bizarre education system which constantly haunts upon the ability to think and be creative. When individual steps in the adult society her power to choose and curiously grab the new things fades away. In this dark-filled space, she wants to meander but the system holds it tightly and keep in a trap where she is made to feel autonomous and growing by misguiding and distracting her from her own issues and dreams. This is something very crucial when it comes to getting operated by someone else’s remote control who can manipulate and manifest such kinds of things which even does not exist in this world, just to keep everyone alien from the realities. 

‘Youth is a mindset and it’s a feeling’, sounds very appealing but have this thought been given its due ever?

From the last three years, I have been working with the age group of 11 to 35 years. What I have found is so common and so relevant but shocking at the same time as none of them is able to get the hold of their needs in the first go. Though I would not restrict anyone to go beyond the mentioned age-group to experience and live the feel of youth-hood as doing that would not do justice with people embracing their youth-hood till their 80s and 90s.

The youth of this country wants something for sure and I may be incorrect about it. But, the group of people I have worked with, want many things which I feel are very crucial to share and talk with everyone around. My group wants to be heard and want to feel a sense of belongingness. They want to hold each other’s hands and hand-hold their peers. They want a safe and comfortable space to share what they feel and what they need. Space where no one judges them and make them feel confident through recognizing their needs and appreciating them for their authentic expression. They want to feel capable of doing everything or in other words, they want to unleash their potential in productive or meaningful activities which can benefit their surrounding and themselves too. They desperately need autonomy and freedom to choose and lead their own life paths and want to fulfil their dreams. They want a principled and value-centric life. And, last but not the least which I have come to know that “they want to contribute and serve to the community from where they have received enormous valuables".

There are many more things which I may not have listed out but these are 'some' which are capable of making a meaningful society and enable the youth to be “youth” in their truest essence. The question remains the same until now that how these things can be achieved? These are the things which cannot be served into the plate and given to everyone rather everyone needs to do an amount of hard work to realize their needs and fulfil them through a process of experimentation and learning simultaneously. In India there are a lot of organizations which are working with youth and making them feel that they are “youth” and “they can do what they want to do”.

Such a set of words or articles may seem preachy or monotonous at some point but unfortunately, this is the reality of this time not in India, but almost everywhere in the world. I am happy and satisfied that I am able to work for my dreams and able to engage with such youth who inspire me every single day through their little acts of kindness and courage.

Let's revisit ourselves and embrace the youth within!

By - Kamlesh, Co-Founder - Mera Gaon Meri Dunia


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