KOMAL takes a step forward to improve her relationships at home

Komal is a young woman from Pune who is a freelance writer. She has been a part of the second cohort of Aaina Dekho. Even after her remarkable performance at UPSC, she has taken a brave decision of choosing writing as a career. However, her parents believe that she can do better things with her life. 

Komal has often shared at the platform that she has never enjoyed listening to others much. The importance of listening has always been a question until she practised this at Aaina Dekho platform. Komal, with her dreamy eyes and in a stance of intense reflection says, “After coming to AD I could realize how important it is to listen to others at a personal level.” Post-program, going back to home, she could sense that she is not avoiding lengthy conversations with her mother. Earlier, she used to think it to be not much useful but now she could experience more acceptance and patience in the reception of feelings and thoughts of her own mother. She also documents that earlier, she used to listen to respond or react to her father but now, often, she chooses to reflect.  She feels relieved not to be carrying a burden (or a label) to be a ‘know-it-all’ anymore. 


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