When Technology Is The Stepping Stone

We are living in the age of technology and can take it for granted that appropriate use of technology can truly transform the education system of India.
However, it’s often only a private school which one can easily imagine to be technologically updated with a techno-savvy staff. Most of the government schools across the country only work through piles of registers that safeguard unending records of not only the children but the community. Years of education interventions need a lot more to transform a conventional classroom where blackboard and the textbook remain the maximum used TLMs.

Not anymore now. Our partner Government school has received a CSR aid in forms of resources like a laptop, projector, screen and speakers. The challenge arose when none of the teachers found themselves equipped to manage technology in the classroom. A resource person from MGMD spends two days to empower the teachers and the school leader ineffective use of the resources. The new-learnt capacities have worked wonders with not only making the classroom learning more engaging but also boosting the motivation of the teachers as they push the boundaries for self, every day.


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