Youth - The Journey towards Future
How often you have been asked to not embrace your youth-hood because you were inexperienced? “There is a fundamental thought about which I am thinking since the last few years. The ones who stop me to experiment and learn are not who knows what I need and what I feel. They assume all the things I need and I feel and do not even take a consensus from me to confirm at least.” How often have you felt even proximity of this feeling? As per the census of 2011, India has more than 50% population below the age of 25 years and more than 65% below the age of 35. It is expected that by this year-end the average age of India would be 29 years. They all have a dream and they want to embrace the youth-hood within them at least innately. But, what is happening to them? You know the answer quite well whether you agree or disagree with me. They are getting influenced by merely two-three ideologies which are prevalent in this country. They are systematically getting trapped into a narrow school of tho...